Timothy Thomas


1. What motivates you to seek this office? What skills do you bring to the office? What sets you apart from other candidates?  What does success look like for you after four years in the position? 

I took over as supervisor about six months ago and it has been an eye-opening experience. I want to continue the work of helping those in our community who need assistance. I bring over 20 years of executive leadership experience to this role and a commitment to supporting those in need. Over the next four years I want to heighten awareness about Township services and expand community partnerships 

2. What do you see as the three biggest challenges or opportunities facing the Township and what role do you see the Board playing to address them over the next four years? 

1.Proposed changes to medicaid and its effects on the community members we serve.

2.Maintaining funding for the current programs provided by the Township 

3.Its in tough times that those of us in social services really shine.Changes to national policies will test our ability to find creative solutions to these new problems.

We are being proactive in looking for alternative funding sources and partnering with other agencies to ensure those in need are supported during these difficult times. 

3. What is your decision making process? What are steps the Board can take to ensure transparency, clear communication, and community engagement – hearing from the board spectrum of Oak Park residents about access to its services and facilities? 

I listen more than I talk and take the time to allow for others to express themselves and I look to past practices/ decisions to help guide me. This method has helped me be a thoughtful and passionate advocate when making decisions.

We recently held a community listening session and used that opportunity to explain our strategic plan. We also have plans to begin holding meetings on different sides of the village in an effort to bring the Township closer to the people.  

4. Please share your thoughts about the Township’s current financial picture. What’s your understanding of the Board’s role in the budgeting process and the allocation of resources? Do you have organizational finance experience?

OPT Board recently reactivated the Financial Advisory Committee of the Township. Their role is to provide structured systematic review of the organization's governance, risk management, and internal control practices. The Township remains in a solid and stable financial shape. Budgeting begins with department managers accessing their current needs while projecting growth. The proposed budget is created by the Township Manager, reviewed by the Supervisor, presented to the full board for public review.  I bring my experience as the former Secretary-Treasurer of a large labor union to this board. That financial management and labor experience has also been useful as we look at the staffing and compensation in the township. 

5. What would you say to voters who are worried about Oak Park’s overall tax burden? 

The Township has constantly been the lowest portion of your tax bill. We do a lot through intergovernmental agreements, grant funding and partnerships. We have been good fiscal stewards and we are committed to maintaining that reputation. Different government revenue streams hit different constituencies more and less. I have concerns that fines and fees hit the lower income people harder. Government should be funded by taxing the rich. The most sensible way to reduce property taxes is to increase the federal contribution for K-12 education. The most sensible way to control healthcare costs is to implement a federal healthcare program, like Medicare For All or single-payer. Neither of these are township issues. But if there was a push by local elected officials to move in these directions, I would support it

6. How do you define equity? Have recent discussions in the larger community and or at the national level informed or changed your thinking?

People have different circumstances and challenges; to me equity is the idea that everyone should have the opportunities and resources needed  so they have a pathway to achieve the best outcome. My views on equity have not been influenced by local or national conversations. 

7. What steps do you believe the Township should take to educate community residents and increase awareness about the mission and programs of the Township? 

Based on this question, I want to start thinking about what a video explaining the township government would include. I like the idea of pushing a video to the people that explains what the Township government does and tells people where to go to get more information. It is also time to embark on a targeted PR campaign using two of our best assets. The clients who receive services and our buses. I want to secure public /private funding to wrap our buses with images that showcase township services. I also want to enlist the help of our clients to begin telling their story about the Township. This could be another way to increase awareness about Township services. 

8. What do you believe the relationship the Township should have with other Oak Park and near west governmental agencies/communities? How can the Township and other governmental bodies best work together? 

We have agreements with the Village of Oak Park, River Forest Township, D90, D97, River Forest Library and Oak Park Library. While I have built relationships with people in Oak Park & River Forest, I also have connections in Proviso Township. I lived in Forest Park for a number of years and currently teach at D209.  If there are advantages to be achieved through knowing people and communities beyond Oak Park & River Forest, I believe I am one of the Oak Park elected officials particularly well networked. I am committed to maintaining and growing relationships when and where ever possible.   

9. What steps should the Township take to not only secure its current role at the CRC but also to leverage additional efficiencies around current programs, program expansion and delivery? 

That relationship is held by the Community Mental Health Board of Oak Park Township. CMHB and CRC leadership have done an amazing job running joint programs and modeling collaboration. Our place at the CRC is secured via contract; we are partners committed to each other's continued success.

10. What concerns you most about the state of service availability in Oak Park? Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve?

Oak Park has a lot to offer and what concerns me is the lack of communication or knowledge about those services. All taxing bodies and service agencies must do a better job of cross promoting events and services to help raise awareness. I’m a servant leader at my core and motivated to serve because I understand that we all can use a little help. Even if it's as simple as sharing information, that access to information can improve or change someone's situation. 

11. One of the Township Board’s primary responsibilities is oversight of the Township Manager. What criteria do you believe the Board should use to evaluate the performance of the Township Manager?

I meet with the Township Manager regularly  to support and guide his work, this relationship keeps me informed of the challenges and successes we have as a Township Team.  The Manager will be evaluated by the same criteria used to hire him with a focus on his adherence to meeting organizational goals

12. Last November, Oak Park voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot initiative that proposed that voters be able to approve ordinances and policies though a direct vote. At this point the vote on the ballot initiative was advisory or non-binding. The next step is for the Village or any other taxing body in Oak Park (as reported by the Wednesday Journal, November 7, 2024) to decide whether or not to place the issue on the ballot as a binding referendum. Please share your views on this initiative. 

I respect the will of the voters and will follow the law in my role as Township Supervisor. I support making government processes better represent the interests of the people. And increasing the ability to make policy by direct vote often achieves this. It's a useful tool for keeping elected officials from thwarting the will of the people. There are a couple situations where I have concerns. First, majorities should not steamroll minorities. And people with money should not roll over people without money. Township government delivers social services. There could be situations where cutting services is popular with the side that's better organized and has more money. Second, I can conceive of situations where a short-term policy is popular because the consequences will be felt in the future. With both of these types of challenges I would hope that reason and making the case through persuasion would carry the day. I accept that the people of Oak Park want to give themselves more direct powers to enact policy. But, if there's a proposal I disagree with, I'm going to actively make the case against it.