Penny M. Evans | Gilberto Guzman | Nathan Lee | Melvin L Lightford Sr. | Eileen Olivier | Aaron Peppers
Antonio Sanchez | Nia Sanders | Nicholas Taylor | Debra Vines | Patrick J. Winters
Nicholas Taylor
candidate for 2021 MAYWOOD VILLAGE TRUSTEE
[Candidates for Maywood Mayor and Village Trustee with the My Maywood Party, including Mary "May" Larry, Nathan Lee, and Nicholas Taylor submitted their responses as a group.]
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1. What motivates you to seek this office? What skills, experiences, and perspectives would you bring, and why would those contributions be valuable in the office you are seeking?
My motivation is based on deep-seated love for the Maywood Community. Hearts are frustrated and breaking as we have undergone a steady overall decline under the current administration. Coming from a large family with life-time residency, my whole history, life and accomplishments are rooted in Maywood. Even starting with core leadership roles in high school that ironically kicked off my employment history with a job in the Village of Maywood Mayor’s office! My ongoing skills, experience, accomplishments, connections and education have well-enlightened, propelled and positioned me to lead the Village of Maywood to the former heights and depths formerly experienced.
2. What does transparency in government mean to you?
Holding public officials accountable, fighting corruption. When government meetings are open to the press and the public, budgets may be reviewed by anyone, laws and decisions are open to discussion, it is seen as transparent.
How would you put it into practice?
Institute open book/open door practice and policy.
3. As more of our local discourse happens in social media, what is your view on how local elected officials should communicate with and respond to constituents?
There are key benefits provided by social media in government and politicians, civic officials, and within Maywood government. Under our administration we would use social media to communicate during this COVID-19 crisis to keep our community updated during this.
How will you engage with the breadth of the community, and not only those on social media?
Via scheduled quarterly Village of Maywood Townhall meetings and with Robocalls.
4. What do you feel are the three biggest issues facing Maywood, and how do you intend to address them?
Issues/pressure points within Maywood, Il.:
High taxes
High crime rate
High water bills
I must add one more:
A litter-free community!
5. How do you define equity?
The quality of being fair and impartial to each and every Maywood resident.
Have recent events and discussions in the larger community informed or changed your thinking?
The leak of confidential matters, and lack of transparency in the current administration.
6. What is your broad vision for the future of Maywood?
Please visit our website to see my detailed first #100 days plan, which outlines our vision and future to rebuilding Maywood to a thriving and flourishing community. Residents, YOU have the power to make a change, on TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2021, VOTE in NEW LEADERS for Maywood,
VOTE in the entire MY MAYWOOD ticket!
How will you promote substantive discussion, build consensus among trustees, and rally public support for your vision?
By resolving conflict within the community and on the Village of Maywood Board. Together we will build a strong community via public engagement which is essential to the conservation process, while efforts with the MY Maywood new leaders will be encouraged. We will listen and engage with stakeholders to achieve well-supported outcomes.
7. What are your plans for assessing the Village Manager’s performance?
The traditional way of evaluating employee performance and/or by employee/community surveys.
What processes and protections do you believe should be afforded employees who have voiced grievances?
Under our new leadership we will implement annual mandatory training on employment laws and issues relating to Unsafe Workplace Complaints and Conditions; Workers' Compensation, EEOC Laws, FMLA, worker's pay, protections, and benefits. Training will also highlight the grievance process.
How would you describe your management style?
The My Maywood motto Is “We Listen and We Do!” This means that there is no one management style to adapt. This will be an employee need-based evaluation. For example, some employees like having daily guidance and support, while others prefer to check in less often. We will be a working, clean, debris/litter free community, with good customer service. Taxation without Representation is wrong!
8. What impact can a municipality such as Maywood have on climate change, and how will you prioritize that work among other issues?
Climate change science in the coming decades will need to be more multi- and community based. Priority setting for our Village of Maywood can be accomplished via community-based long-range goals that have co-benefits for us and other environmental or socioeconomic challenges.
9. What do you see as the most pressing issue relating to housing in Maywood? What policies would you advocate to address this issue?
Please view our website under my first #100 days plan.
Do you consider support for affordable housing to be a core function of our village government?
Why or why not?
Carve out a clear path that fits our Village of Maywood needs.
10. In recent months there have been calls in many communities to defund the police or reimagine public safety. How do you define public safety?
We need to implement officer-friendly community policing.
Do you begin from the premise that increased policing is the most effective response to increased crime, or would you propose other solutions?
Effectiveness of Police Activities in Reducing Crime, Disorder, and Fear: Because police are the most visible face of government power. Police Behavior is vital. As the next Maywood Mayor, I will work hand-in-hand with our local Maywood police department and resolve issues facing the community. I am the only candidate which has been endorsed by the TEAMSTERS LOCAL 700.
11. What do you believe has caused the recent swell in carjackings in the surrounding area?
It’s a response to the present-day economic and pandemic climate we are presently confronted with.
Do you see an appropriate law enforcement response to this situation?
The Village of Maywood need more visible police offices.
12. Maywood does not currently have a mechanism for civilian police oversight. Is this something you would change?
If so, what specific structures would you favor?
Additional help with anything is warranted.
13. What do you see as the most pressing issues relating to development in Maywood, both residential and commercial?
The downtown and business districts of Maywood have remained blighted and continual decline for years. Residents are suffering with high taxes and high water bills. This is due to the prevalent disregard by current elected officials. Boardroom meetings are full of bickering, lead them to be ineffective and unproductive for residents and the community of Maywood at large.
What policies would you advocate to address those issues?
Please visit the My Maywood website to see my First 100-Days. Which gives a detailed list of solutions to the current Village of Maywood issues. Please click on the First 100-Days tab!
In which areas of Maywood would you prioritize residential and commercial development?
The downtown and business district of Maywood.
14. How would you evaluate the success of Maywood’s plans for Covid-19 mitigation at the Village?
There has been no success, no plan whatsoever has been implemented or discussed. I would give the current administration a zero in their effort as the resident was totally uninformed by this current board of a Mayor, Clerk and Trustees.
Do you feel the village has adequately protected its employees, and that there has been adequate transparency with respect to case tracking?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Neither transparency, privacy nor protection is a priority with respect to case tracking. A new board is needed!
15. How do you believe the Covid-19 pandemic has affected Maywood’s Village finances, and what policies do you favor going forward as part of the recovery?
This board and administration were totally unprepared. There should have been sufficient funds in reserve to assess every resident with a monetary contribution to aid them during this awful pandemic. Under the MARY “MAY’ LARRY AS MAYOR administration we will work to build a surplus of reserves. Our community of Maywood will begin to flourish again. YES, under the MARY “MAY’ LARRY AS MAYOR, the community of Maywood will flourish and be prosperous and have a surplus of resources. I am the candidate, MARY “MAY’ LARRY AS MAYOR to move the needle on Maywood at time and moment in history. Residents need an individual that has the wherewithal and the strength to get the job done effectively! WE WON’T BACK DOWN. ARE YOU WITH US? TIME TO ACT IS NOW!!!
16. What values would you bring to the budgeting process?
We will bring valuable insight about all aspects of sales of property. We will ensure a clear posted budget. Goals will be met, with our capital budgeting process to recover the Maywood investment. Budgeting is the process of allocating Maywood's financial resources and spending decisions which will come down to priorities and values, as well. With clear-cut accuracy and transparency, we will provide for residents.
Do you have a plan for reforming the manner in which the Village conducts its budgeting and fiscal planning?
Our priority areas for reform and reporting will be listed on outlines for transparency. As your next Mayor we will conduct a review of our budgeting framework - a new government's ambitious fiscal consolidation — plans to present to our stockholder and residents.
17. Property taxes in Maywood are among the highest in Illinois. What is your plan for confronting this burden?
Calculating how much you will pay in property taxes on your home is based on your location. Sadly, Maywood has the highest property taxes in the country. We must begin to bring business into our town to HELP lower our taxes. I am the candidate, MARY “MAY’ LARRY AS MAYOR to move the needle on Maywood at time and moment in history. Please click on the First 100-Days tab at www.mymaywood.com.
18. How would you rate the Village’s lobbying and other political efforts to steer policy in Springfield?
I give a "F" rating.
How can Maywood do better?
We need a lobbyist on behalf of the stakeholder, the residents of Maywood.
Taxes on your home are based on your location. Sadly, Maywood has the highest property taxes in the country. We must begin to bring business into our town to help lower our taxes. I am the candidate, MARY “MAY’ LARRY AS MAYOR to move the needle on Maywood at this time and moment in history. Please click on the First 100-Days tab at www.mymaywood.com.
19. How will you engage the growing Latinx community in Maywood?
We are currently networking with our Latino residents. Our own candidate, Nathan Lee (Nate Comic Inc.) TRUSTEE, PUNCH 10 reports a program participation ratio of 30% to 35%.
What should the Village’s posture toward undocumented residents be?
We must give aid and help to all people! There are many reasons why people around the globe seek to rebuild their lives in a different country, city, or village. Sometimes children, women and men flee from violence, war, extreme hunger in an effort to seek refuge.
20. What are your plans for addressing community concerns about water rates, including exorbitant shutoff fees and seemingly arbitrary charges some residents have been forced to pay?
In reference to the billing of the water and sewer utility bills, and shut offs for non-payment, we will put a complaint system in place to begin to resolve utility service and shutoff concerns. I am the candidate, MARY “MAY’ LARRY AS MAYOR to move the needle on Maywood. We will develop a Maywood Customer Assistance Program (MCAPs). To assist with water bills and budget plans, this will prevent a shutoff, or restore service that has been shut-off. Vote the Golden Ticket!
21. Board meetings have become increasingly acrimonious in recent years. How would you work to restore decorum during meetings?
The current elected board members increasingly acrimonious sphere of non-collaborative governance is a sad disadvantage to our Maywood residents.
Do you feel this is an important priority? Why or why not?
An elected official is hired by the people to work for the people, not for self! The current administration is self-serving, and this is wrong. I am the ideal candidate, MARY “MAY’ LARRY for Mayor to move the needle forward on Maywood at times.
22. What opportunities do you see for the Village to collaborate productively with other local taxing bodies? What could hinder those efforts?
More widely known health care delivery collaborations during this COVID-19 pandemic. Frequently, community health initiatives, including collaborative activities, are much needed opportunities for communities to promote health equity.
How would you improve relations between the Village and the Park District, in particular?
Parks and recreational facilities are amenities that increase property values and enhance the desirability of the Maywood community. There is certainly a myriad of different benefits that can be accrued from participation in recreational programs or a visit to a park or open space. It can be a stress release during this time which we live in, certainly be a benefit to the Maywood residents.
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[The above answers were supplied on 3/8/21.]