Oak Park Village Trustee (3 open seats)
Anthony Clark | Chibuike Enyia | Juanta Griffin | Stephen A. Morales
Ravi Parakkat | Lucia M. Robinson
candidate for 2021 OAK PARK VILLAGE TRUSTEE
1. What motivates you to seek this office? What skills, experiences, and perspectives would you bring to the Village, and why would those contributions be valuable in the role of Oak Park Village President?
I grew up in Oak Park and have raised my children here. One of my children currently teaches at OPRF. This history has given my family a multi-generational connection, living and working in Oak Park for many years. I have a broad perspective on Oak Park which includes a comprehensive view of its strengths and areas for improvement. In addition, as an attorney I have the analytical skills to balance multiple perspectives; I would require quality data; and advocate strongly for the Village’s best interests.
2. What are the three biggest challenges or opportunities you expect the Village of Oak Park to face in the coming years, and how would you work with your colleagues to address these challenges or realize these opportunities?
Budget, public safety and business recovery. Solutions to these unique challenges require the willingness to listen. This includes listening to Board colleagues, Village staff, citizen groups and our electorate. Balancing multiple perspectives is a critical first step in creating solutions that work for the community. Second, comprehensive data is critical. This is data that has been validated so that solution-focused conversations at the Board table are productive.
3. How will you balance competing interests, such as your own deeply-held values and opinions, input from village staff and fellow board members, and diverse views from the community? How would you describe your leadership style and your decision-making process generally?
One of the core themes of my campaign is the premise that trustees should listen, then lead. This must include an intent to truly understand those perspectives and accept them, even if they differ from my own. I would balance perspectives in a way that considers the Board’s goals, comprehensive solutions and the potential impact to the community overall.
4. What values would you bring to the budgeting process? What changes do you favor in the process by which the Village conducts its budgeting and fiscal planning?
I believe in a balanced budget, including limiting future debt. With over 20 years experience as an attorney in the finance industry, I bring a skill set that includes the critical thinking necessary to achieve budgetary goals. This includes the ability to understand the legal framework that guides budget proposals. The budget should begin with goal setting at the start of the fiscal year as well as budget proposals and presentations that start earlier in the year. In addition, the Board should review discretionary aspects of the budget first to allow for ample time for thorough discussion.
5. How will you balance the community's desire to reduce the property tax burden with the promotion of equity, diversity, and quality of life in the Village?
These community values should happen concurrently. The property tax burden is one shared by all residents. I would advocate for fair and accurate property assessments to make Oak Park an affordable community which can in turn advance equity goals and diversity across various demographic points.
6. How do you define equity? Have recent discussions in the larger community informed or changed your thinking?
Equity is the balance of opportunity and access to resources among individuals. Recent discussions in the community underscore the importance of this issue in our current political discourse. I define equity as the lens through which all decisions should be made at the Board table. This takes into consideration the possibility of intent or impact that is contrary to equity goals.
7. How do you plan to solicit feedback from people who may be experiencing Oak Park in a different way than you? What barriers do you believe may exist in this process?
This is an issue that is very important to me. As an elected official, feedback from all constituents is something I want to hear. I recognize there may be several barriers to soliciting differing viewpoints. Our current political climate is highly polarized. This inhibits open and honest dialogue and, most importantly, trust for elected officials. As a Trustee, I want to make sure residents are aware of the various channels of communication with the Board (emails, telephone numbers, social media, submitting comment for Board meetings, etc).
8. How will you help smaller and locally-owned businesses survive and thrive in Oak Park, especially in the wake of the pandemic? Do you believe it is appropriate for the Village of Oak Park to provide incentives or supports specifically directed toward minority-owned businesses? Why or why not?
I support the creation of a business liaison position to assist businesses in navigating Village ordinances and approvals as well as advise on capital sources, grants and business plans for local small businesses.
9. Rental units comprise about 41% of Oak Park’s housing stock. In what ways should the Village better serve the needs of renters who reside in our community?
One way the Village can better serve renters is to address parking. Convenient and affordable parking should be a priority. I would review the current parking rate structure as well as reassess ways to expand convenient and safe parking options for renters. We are a densely populated community and space is at a premium. Creativity and diligence will be required to successfully address this issue.
10. How will you collaborate with neighboring communities? Discuss a specific initiative you would wish to undertake. What benefits and challenges would you anticipate?
Collaboration with neighboring communities is essential to maintaining strong relationships with them. One way to do this would be a joint event that helps our respective restaurant communities. A joint food festival, when Covid restrictions permit this type of gathering, that invites restaurants from our neighboring communities to participate would bring our neighbors together and boost their respective businesses.
11. How will you work with your colleagues to ensure that Oak Park remains economically and racially diverse? Give an example of an initiative you support that would have a significant positive impact on racial or economic diversity.
Affordable housing can accomplish diversity goals in our Village. I would work with my Board colleagues to reexamine the inclusionary zoning ordinance and determine whether it needs to be revised.
12. What do you see as the most pressing issue relating to housing in Oak Park? What policies would you advocate to address this issue? Do you consider support for affordable housing to be a core function of our village government? Why or why not?
I would say that affordability falls into this category. Meeting the housing needs of residents is a core function of local government. Reassessing the inclusionary zoning ordinance and ensuring its application for future development is a policy I would support at the Board table.
13. What impact can a municipality such as Oak Park have on climate change, and how will you prioritize that work among other issues?
A suburban municipality like Oak Park, which is densely populated, can have an important effect on climate change. The type of housing stock and population size provide valuable opportunities for a variety of environmental efforts. Spending our environmental sustainability fund should be a top priority for the Board in the next term, with a concerted effort by Village staff to provide the necessary data.
14. In recent months there have been calls to defund the police or reimagine public safety in Oak Park. How do you define public safety? Would you begin from the premise that the Village's police budget should increase, decrease, or remain flat? Why?
I define public safety as residents’ ability to work, live and play within our Village with an expectation of protection for their well-being. I think it’s premature to determine whether the police budget should be altered. The renegotiation of the police collective bargaining is still underway and may provide limitations on ways to alter their budget. In addition, input from the police is relevant to a discussion on reimagining safety.
15. What do you see as the most pressing issues relating to development in Oak Park, both residential and commercial? What policies would you advocate to address those issues? In which areas of Oak Park would you prioritize residential and commercial development?
One of the most pressing issues in development in Oak Park is securing space. I support efforts focused on commercial areas such as Madison Avenue and North Avenue. Regarding residential development, I would like to see development that maintains a balance of renters/homeowners throughout Oak Park’s elementary school districts.
16. Following work done in Evanston, recent community discussions have focused on reparations for Black Oak Parkers, with particular interest in policy changes to help support Black home ownership. Are you supportive of reparations, in principle? Would a discussion on this issue be helpful to the Oak Park community? How should such a discussion proceed?
In principle, I agree that it may be appropriate for governing bodies to utilize reparations (not solely financial) to address historical discrimination (for example, sovereignty restored to Native American communities). I also see several areas of concern, including qualification standards for recipients and addressing potential competing claims from various groups who have also experienced historical discrimination.
17. Advisory referenda have appeared on the ballot in Oak Park over the past few years at the direction of the Village Board. Do you believe non-binding referenda such as these are a useful tool for governance or civic engagement? Why or why not?
Advisory referenda can be a practical way to determine the electorate’s support for a particular issue. It can be an efficient way for the community to voice their opinion on an issue.
18. Oak Park Trustees share responsibility for oversight of the Collaboration for Early Childhood. Do you support this example of intergovernmental cooperation? Are there other types of intergovernmental cooperation that you would support?
I support intergovernmental cooperation (such as the Collaboration for Early Childhood) within Oak Park as well as opportunities to collaborate with governing boards of neighboring communities. This includes collaborating on age-friendly initiatives and cross business promotion.
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[The above answers were supplied on 2/19/21.]
Candidate’s Wednesday Journal Voter Empowerment Guide Profile
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Interview with Brando Crawford (YouTube 4/4/21)
Monica Sheehan: Vote Unite Oak Park (Wednesday Journal 3/30/21)
Candidates Committee, Center West Oak Park Neighborhood Association: Candidate report card on development (Wednesday Journal 3/30/21)
Lucia Robinson: Compassion-centered leadership (Wednesday Journal 3/30/21)
Adam Nirenberg: Robinson has what it takes (Wednesday Journal 3/30/21)
Carollina Song: Oak Park is at an inflection point (Wednesday Journal 3/30/21)
The Doris Davenport Show: Village President and Trustee Forum (Facebook Live 3/28/21)
Judith Alexander: Defund police? Vote No and vote Unite! (Wednesday Journal 3/24/21)
Annemarie Kiill: Lucia Robinson for Village Trustee (Wednesday Journal 3/24/21)
Bob Millstein: Unite Oak Park will listen (Wednesday Journal 3/24/21)
Joyce Porter: A few thoughts about the OP board race (Wednesday Journal 3/24/21)
Anonymous anti-defund video rejected by all trustee hopefuls (Wednesday Journal 3/23/21)
Abu-Taleb endorses Unite Oak Park slate (Wednesday Journal 3/23/21)
Bike Walk Oak Park Candidate Questionnaire (Google Drive 3/22/21)
Tri-Board candidate questionnaire responses on early childhood (Collaboration for Early Childhood 3/16/21)
Bob Pickrell: We have an outstanding police dept. (Wednesday Journal 3/16/21)
Nancy Leavy: Vote for the Unite Oak Park slate (Wednesday Journal 3/16/21)
Galen Gockel: Parakkat, Robinson and Morales for OP trustee (Wednesday Journal 3/16/21)
Mark & Evelyn Segal: Unite behind Unite Oak Park (Wednesday Journal 3/16/21)
Candidate Q&A: Oak Park trustee candidates on April 6 ballot discuss budget, development, policing (Oak Leaves 3/9/21)
OPRF League of Women Voters Oak Park Village Trustee Candidate Forum (YouTube 2/22/21)
ROYAL Oak Park Candidate Forum (Facebook Live 2/19/21)
Indivisible Oak Park Area Candidate Forum (Facebook Live 2/18/21)
Oak Park trustee candidates talk business during chamber of commerce forum (Oak Leaves 2/11/21)
OPRF Chamber of Commerce Meet the OP Village Trustee Candidates Event (Google Drive 2/9/21)
Unite Oak Park unites for campaign launch event (Wednesday Journal 10/21/20)
Unite Oak Park Campaign Kickoff (Facebook Live 10/17/20)
Boutet announces slate for Oak Park village board elections (Wednesday Journal 10/14/20)
Lawyer joins Oak Park village trustee race (Wednesday Journal 10/7/20)
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Committee to Elect Lucia Robinson for Trustee Candidate Committee Financials (Illinois Sunshine)
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