DaToya Burtin-Cox

candidate for 2025 OAK PARK township trustee

1. What motivates you to seek this office? What skills do you bring to the office? What sets you apart from other candidates?  What does success look like for you after four years in the position?

I am a firm believer that a community is only as strong as its residents.  Thus, it is my obligation, as a resident of Oak Park Township, to participate, as best and as fully as I can, to ensure that the community provides those resources that will guarantee that it thrives not only for myself but for others.

As a licensed attorney, with a background in civil service, I understand the structure of government, the limitations placed on a government entity by statutes, and the need for government to be transparent to constituents. 

Although there are no other candidates running against me in this election, I believe that I stand out due to my empathetic nature and strong skill set.

Success, for me, is seeing the Township reputation strengthened by making residents aware that personal success is linked with a community's success and services.

2. What do you see as the three biggest challenges or opportunities facing the Township and what role do you see the Board playing to address them over the next four years? 

One of the biggest challenges of Township government it's ability to emphasize to community residents the benefits and resources that it provides. So often residents intermingle the Township services with other agency services and are unaware that this Township is a standalone entity.

One of the biggest opportunities of the Township is its ability to engage with different sectors of the community. The Township has the opportunity through its services to interact with all segments of the Oak Park Township community and get to know the needs of the residents.

3. What is your decision making process? What are steps the Board can take to ensure transparency, clear communication, and community engagement – hearing from the board spectrum of Oak Park residents about access to its services and facilities? 

My personal decision making process is to listen to the concern, research the issue, consider historical interactions as well as future needs, and consider the financial stability of the Township to provide resources.

The Township has an efficient policy about transparency. The Township utilizes social media, its website, and print media to push out information regarding the resources provided by the Township.

With respect to increasing community engagement, the Township still has more work to do to engage more residents. Often residents are not aware of the Township’s resources until they need the resource. The Township should publicize its partnership participation with other agencies with Oak Park so that residents are aware of the community engagement of the Township.

4. Please share your thoughts about the Township’s current financial picture. What’s your understanding of the Board’s role in the budgeting process and the allocation of resources? Do you have organizational finance experience?

The Township does an excellent job of utilizing its portion of the tax revenue. Being the governmental agency within Oak Park that receives the smallest percentage of tax revenue, the Township provides a tremendous amount of resources to the community. Unbeknownst to many residents the Township offers resources for the youth in the form of alternative jurisprudence initiatives and counseling services. Counseling services are also provided not only to the youth but to the youth's family in some circumstances. The Township also provides senior services in the form of daily meals, assistance with well-being check-ins, workshops for seniors, and most importantly a space for seniors to engage with others. There are other resources that the Township also provides, for example medical lending closets, senior and disabled transportation within the community, and grants for programming offered through nonprofit organizations, to name a few.

Although I do not have a finance background, I am familiar with the need to balance a budget and being fiscally responsible with taxpayer money.

5. What would you say to voters who are worried about Oak Park’s overall tax burden?

As a resident of Oak Park who is personally cognizant of the tax responsibility of residents, I would say to those concerned about the tax burden that the community reflects what its residents provide. Unfortunately, in today's economy revenue is required for quality programming and in order to attract employees that will move the community forward.

6. How do you define equity?

My definition of equity ‘“is the availability of opportunity.”

Have recent discussions in the larger community and or at the national level informed or changed your thinking?


7. What steps do you believe the Township should take to educate community residents and increase awareness about the mission and programs of the Township? 

To educate the community and increase awareness about the mission and programming of the Township we should be more visible throughout the community and take the opportunity to speak with residents about the services and necessity of the Township.

8. What do you believe the relationship the Township should have with other Oak Park and near west governmental agencies/communities? How can the Township and other governmental bodies best work together? 

The Township is always open to working with those communities that border and interact with the residents of Oak Park. With that being said, the Township must utilize its small budget responsibly. Thus, the Township’s resources are offered to residents of Oak Park and residents of those partnering communities that contribute to the service being offered.   

The Township and other governmental agencies can work best together by building stronger relationships with one another. I truly believe that there is no need for agencies to duplicate services, but agencies should work with one another to strengthen the services already being provided.

9. What steps should the Township take to not only secure its current role at the CRC but also to leverage additional efficiencies around current programs, program expansion and delivery? 

The Community Mental Health Board is currently in partnership with the Oak Park Park District at the CRC. Although the Township is the fiduciary for the Community Mental Health Board, the Township does not control or dictate how it enters contracts or partnerships.

10. What concerns you most about the state of service availability in Oak Park? Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve?

The Township does it's best to provide services to residents within its budgetary constraints. I do believe that there are opportunities that the Township could invest in if they had the resources to take on those responsibilities. For example, I believe the Township could do more to engage with the disabled community within Oak Park.  Being a person with a disability and mobility challenges there are circumstances and times in which I feel constrained by what I do not personally have control over. It would be appreciated if there were more opportunities to bring people with challenges together.  

I am interested in serving to provide a voice for those that may not have one within the community and to make sure that those individuals are heard and seen within the bigger context of community growth.

11. One of the Township Board’s primary responsibilities is oversight of the Township Manager. What criteria do you believe the Board should use to evaluate the performance of the Township Manager?

The Board should utilize the Township Manager’s job description to assess performance. Additionally, they should also look at leadership qualities, and how the manager engages and motivates employees

12. Last November, Oak Park voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot initiative that proposed that voters be able to approve ordinances and policies though a direct vote. At this point the vote on the ballot initiative was advisory or non-binding. The next step is for the Village or any other taxing body in Oak Park (as reported by the Wednesday Journal, November 7, 2024) to decide whether or not to place the issue on the ballot as a binding referendum. Please share your views on this initiative. 

Although I believe in the idea that residents’ voices should be heard and recognized, I do believe that elections are how that is done.  I do not believe that codes and regulations should be developed through referendum as it may cause confusion and inefficiencies in the long term.